Page 6 - MoreThanJustAGame169
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            Rule 18 - Any club that shall be detected in tampering with the persons
            setting up the pins, or by any unfair means seeking to win a victory, shall
            on proof of such conduct, be expelled from the Association.
            Rule 19 - Every match hereafter made shall be decided by the best two
            games out of three; the first to be played on the alley of the challenging
            club; the second on the alley of their opponents, and the third, if any to
            be played, on a neutral alley, the time and place of playing to be fixed
            before the series commences.  The club winning the greatest number of
            series of games on or before the September meeting of the Association in
            each year shall be declared the champion.
            Rule 20 - All clubs shall commence the series of games within ten days
            after receipt of challenge, unless they have a previous challenge, when
            they  shall  play  within  ten  days  from  their  last  game.    A  series
            commenced must be finished within twenty-one days.
            Rule  21  -  No  person  who  shall  be in arrears  to  any  club, or  has  been
            expelled from any club, or who shall at any time receive compensation
            for his services as a player, shall be competent to play in any match; all
            players who play for money, place or any consideration whatsoever, shall
            be regarded as professionals, and no professional player shall take part in
            any  match  game,  and  any  club  giving  compensation  to  a  player,  or
            having to their knowledge such a player on their team, shall be debarred
            from  membership  in  the  National  Association,  and  they  shall  not  be
            considered by any club belonging to this association as a proper club to
            engage in a match game, and such club so playing with them shall forfeit
            its membership.
            Rule 22 - Any match game played by any club in contravention of the
            rules adopted by this Association, shall be considered null and void, and
            shall not be counted in the list of match games won or lost.
            Rule 23 - Any club refusing to play any other club in the Association,
            according to the rules, shall forfeit all claim to the championship, and all
            games played with such club shall be considered null and void, and shall
            not count in the list of games won or lost.

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