Page 4 - MoreThanJustAGame169
P. 4


            Rule 3 - In the playing of match games any ball may be used that does
            not exceed twenty-seven inches in circumference.
            Rule 4 - The game shall consist of ten frames to each side, when, should
            the  number  of  points  be  equal,  the  play  shall  be  continued  until  a
            majority  of  points  upon  an  equal  number  of  frames  shall  be  attained,
            which shall conclude the game.
            Rule  5  -  In  playing  all  match  games  ten  players  from  each  club  shall
            constitute a full team, and they must have been regular members of the
            club which they represent for thirty days immediately prior to the match;
            and  they  shall  not  play  in  a  team  representing  any  other  club  for  the
            period of one year.
            Rule 6 - Players must play in regular rotation, and after the first inning,
            no change can be made except with the consent of the captains.
            Rule 7 - In match games two alleys only are to be used; a player to roll
            but a frame at a time, and to change alleys every frame.
            Rule 8 - The umpire shall take care that the regulations respecting the
            balls, alleys and all rules of the game are strictly observed.  He should be
            the  judge  of  fair  and  unfair  play,  and  shall  determine  all  disputes  and
            differences which may occur during the game.  He shall take special care
            to declare all foul balls immediately upon their occurrence, unasked, in a
            distinct and audible voice.  He shall in every instance before leaving the
            alley, declare the winning club, and sign his name in the score book.
            Rule 9 - In all matches the umpire shall be selected by the captains of the
            respective  sides,  and  he  shall  perform  all  the  duties  in  Rule  8,  except
            recording the game, which shall be done by two scorers, one of whom
            shall be appointed by each of the contending clubs.
            Rule 10 - No person engaged in a match game either as umpire, scorer or
            player shall be directly or indirectly interested in any bet upon the game.
            Neither umpire, scorer, or player shall be changed during a match, unless
            with the consent of both parties, except for reason of illness, or injury, or
            for a violation of these rules, and then the umpire may dismiss any such

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