Announcing: New Book on the History of Bowling

Take a trip back in time to witness the evolution of America's #1 recreational indoor pastime -- the sport of Bowling. From its humble beginnings over 5,000 years ago, to the high-tech advancements of the present day, the book, More Than 'Just a Game' explores how the different versions of bowling came into being. The author, Rod Weaver, is a former tenpin bowler turned 'duckpinner' who has been involved with bowling during that period when the sport interfaced with the World Wide Web in the mid-1990s. It is this cross-over between large and small ball games that proved essential in effectively tracing the game from 'Beginning' to its current status.

A couple of sample excerpts from the book are included below:

Excerpt 1
Excerpt 2

More Than 'Just a Game' is 482 pages in length and costs $34.95, and will soon be available for purchase via online retailers, but you can acquire a copy through this website by clicking on one of the payment options linked below, provided by PayPal. The book will be shipped via USPS Media Mail, which incurs a shipping fee of $4.87. It takes from 5 to 7 business days for this method of delivery.

If you'd like to purchase a copy of More Than 'Just a Game', click on the link below to go to the Paypal system page, where you can pay with a credit card. It might be a good idea to use Paypal's credit card payment method, rather than a Paypal account. One of the buyers reported that all worked fine with the credit card payment, although using the "Pay by Paypal" account didn't seem to provide a wallet code.

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